Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bar Harbor Day 10 Sept 26

We woke up to a grey, overcast sky but not enough to deter us. Today was guided tour day and we were going to ride Olly'sTrolly come what may. But first we were going to take a recommendation from Luke and have breakfast at "Cafe This Way" in Bar Harbor. It certainly was worth the early start to the day. Thank you Luke for another good choice.. The tour started with a trip around Bar Harbor and given the history of all the wealthy people who came to the Island and built "cottages", read big houses. The wealthy certainly made a contribution to the development of Bar Harbor and the surrounding area but none more so than a Mr Door who spent most of his fortune and life either buying or cajoling other wealthy people to donate the land that now forms Acadia National Park. We now enjoy this area in no small way due to his efforts. The tour also included a ride to the top of Cadillac Mountain, the tallest in the area but it was more like a VW than than a Cadillac due to the mist. It was a good day and we ended it with a meal from Joe the Lobster Man. We convinced Faye that no effort was spared to bring about a humane end to Larry the lobster so that we may have dinner.

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