Saturday, October 6, 2012

Twin Mountain Day 20 Oct 6

We could see the front coming through and it did not disappoint. It rained for most of the day. Time to have another cup of coffee and settle in to read your book. But the first distraction was one of the KOA staff arriving to "clean up" the site just vacated. To set the scene, it is raining and those beautiful leaves I have been telling you about are coming down in bushels. But our man is not daunted. He goes through the ritual of cleaning the site even when the falling leaves cover the ground as fast as the dutiful staff member can clear. After the ritual he is heard to call on the radio "Site 123, all clear." Just when I got over this, Towel Tarzan came running down the road. Well maybe not Tarzan, but certainly the Towel. He must of just come from the shower and he was hanging on to the Towel for all the cover it could give. Strange It must be something in the Mountain water. How to enter and exit an RV. First make sure you have two pairs of shoes to complete this maneuver. To enter, you first shuffle you feet in pair no 1 on the outside mat. Then you place your foot onto the first or second step ( depending on your leg length) and carefully slip your left foot (depending on training - some people can actually use either foot) out of pair no 1 into pair no 2 ( left there by the previous exit) and step into the RV. Of course, if pair no 2 has not been left in place, you have to take s giant step to rung no 3 of the step and then hop out of pair no 2 to land on the RV floor, sometimes with devastating results,. But a clean RV floor must be preserved at all times and at any cost. Now to exit, the essential maneuver is to swing your body so that you are going out backwards and slip your clean left  (or right once again depending on training) foot into pair no 2. Then two or three backward steps and hopefully ( because you cannot see anything as you are going backwards) you step into pair no 1. Simple really. Tomorrow off to Montreal.

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